This pamphlet talks about Hijab and refutes misconceptions about it which raised periodically.
Browse Islamic cards
This pamphlet talks about women’s right in Islam such as equal right to knowledge and equal right to choose a spouse. It also shows that the principle of reward and accountability is equal for man and woman in Islam.
This pamphlet shows some misconceptions about Islam and gives answers to all of them. They are such as that Muslim worship a new god or they worship the Prophet Muhammad, Islam is a religion of terrorism, hijab oppresses Muslim women, Islam forces women to marry to who they do not want and that Islam forces people to be Muslims.
Loneliness Comes When You Forget that Allah Is with You
This charity is a small percentage of wealth which a rich Muslim gives to his less fortunate brothers and sisters. There are certain conditions under which it is to be given:
This pamphlet shows the Quran and its virtues regarding its scientific miracles.
This pamphlet handles the issue of prayer through some points: its importance, its benefits, being a pillar of Islam, harms that stemmed from abandoning it, common excuses that some people mention.