This pamphlet shows the Quran and its virtues regarding its scientific miracles.
Browse Islamic cards
The virtues of Islamic civilization
There is a question on the cover of the brochure saying, "Do you wish that there were laws to protect the health and well-being of people, animals, planets, trees, land, water, … in fact the whole planet? Well- there are!
This pamphlet handles the issue of Allah’s mercy through some points: examples of Allah’s mercy, mercy towards the creation and how to increase Allah’s mercy upon us along with other useful points.
Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, you are the Bestower."(Ali 'Imran:8)
In this pamphlet we show and introduce Islam in a simple and easy way so that all people from all races and religions know about it.
This pamphlet talks about women’s right in Islam such as equal right to knowledge and equal right to choose a spouse. It also shows that the principle of reward and accountability is equal for man and woman in Islam.