In this pamphlet we show the status women in Islam and are they liberated or subjugated.
Browse Islamic cards
This pamphlet talks about the principle of prophethood. It also shows that the message to all prophets was one regarding that Allah is one and that he deserves to be worshipped alone. It shows that all prophets had miracles to prove their prophethood.
There is a question on the cover of the brochure saying, "Do you wish that there were laws to protect the health and well-being of people, animals, planets, trees, land, water, … in fact the whole planet? Well- there are!
Prayer strengthens ties of love and mutual care between Muslims as they meet five times every day to offer their worship.
Preaching in Taif: Suffering at the hands of the people of Taif.
This pamphlet talks about the concept of God in Islam through some points as; God alone is worthy of worship, God is directly worshipped, all prophets called to the worship of God and the purpose of life is to worship God. It also answers two important questions: Is there a god and who is god?
"Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing." (Al-Baqrah:250)