This pamphlet talks about Hijab and refutes misconceptions about it which raised periodically.
Browse Islamic cards
Belief in God's Oneness is the most important act of worship a human being does.
This is an infograph about the month of Muharram, its name, why is it the first month of Islamic calendar and does it have any virtues? Also, why the tenth day of it was called Ashura.
In this pamphlet we show and introduce Islam in a simple and easy way so that all people from all races and religions know about it.
Some of the etiquette of making Du'aa and means for the Du'a to be answered:
This pamphlet shows some misconceptions about Islam and gives answers to all of them. They are such as that Muslim worship a new god or they worship the Prophet Muhammad, Islam is a religion of terrorism, hijab oppresses Muslim women, Islam forces women to marry to who they do not want and that Islam forces people to be Muslims.
The Mothers of believers