Loneliness Comes When You Forget that Allah Is with You
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This pamphlet handles the issue of the Quran that it is the word of Allah, guidance for mankind, final revelation and how it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It also mentions how we know that this Quran is from Allah. It also illustrates the purpose of revealing this Quran to the mankind.
This pamphlet gives a right image of women in Islam beyond any stereotypes. It shows how Islam sees women through religious obligations, marriage, social roles and her supreme position in Islam. On the contrary, the pamphlet shows how the other religions deal with women.
In this pamphlet, the author shows the nature of the Prophet Jesus as Islam provides. He shows that the Prophet Jesus is a human prophet and does not have any divine nature as Christian believe.
Hijra to Madina: Perilous journey from Makkah to Madinah.
This is a nice poster that illustrates the tree of the beloved prophets, their ages, times of their lives and other information.
This pamphlet handles the issue of Allah’s mercy through some points: examples of Allah’s mercy, mercy towards the creation and how to increase Allah’s mercy upon us along with other useful points.