"There is no compulsion in religion, truth (the right path) has become distinct from error (wrong path), and whoever rejects evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And God is All-Hearer All-Knower."
أخلاق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في الحرب
Freedom, Justice & Protection
“No compulsion” in Islam Muhammad proclaimed himself as a Messenger of God. He received a Divine Message to humanity and struggled to convey it to all people but he did not force anyone to accept it. He recited the Quran which confirms the freedom of belief and freedom of choice for all people.
"And had your Lord willed, all people in the earth would have believed (all of them) together. So will you (Muhammad) compel or force people until they become believers?"
The Quran, 2:256
المقالات ذات الصلة
مقالات وموضوعات متنوعة